Collections and Research
Our climate-controlled vault contains over 170 metres of documents recording the history of Charlotte County, including letters, maps, ledgers, photographs, logbooks, certificates, yearbooks, ephemera, organizational records, artworks, diaries, deeds, and more.
Search below to get an idea of our holdings, though note that improving access to our materials is an ongoing process.
Detailed finding aids for many collections can also be found via Archives CANB:
To learn more about the processes of archival research, check out this helpful guide created by the Association of American Archivists:
Our research room also holds books relating to the history of the area and relevant subjects; numerous local newspapers on microfilm, many with name indexes; researcher-contributed genealogies; vertical files of subject interest; and other research resources. Many of these are also searchable below.
Researchers are very welcome to visit, but appointments are required. Please contact us ahead of your proposed visit.
Audiovisual Collection
The Charlotte County Archives Audio Visual Collection contains video and audio files of County-wide interest, produced by the Archives, ranging from short “Charlotte County Moments” (on this website) to archival film records of 20th Century life in St Andrews and around the County. We also have videos donated by producers from across the County.
The Collection also includes 174 hours of indexed recordings of local TV programming from Channel 10 in the 1990s, digitized directly from VHS tapes at CHCOtv. These give a broad perspective on events and prominent people around Charlotte County through that decade.
The Historic Home Movies of St Andrews N.B. series includes 12 hours of amateur movies shot from 1923 to recent times, which have been digitized, processed, edited, and produced with informative voice-over commentaries recorded by current residents. Summaries of these videos are included under the Media Gallery tab on this website.
The collection also includes over five hours of audio recordings of public lectures delivered at the Court House and Anglican Church Hall and a variety of informal interviews of archival interest.
All files in the Collection are listed here and can be experienced at the Archives on request. The Home Movies series and the Charlotte County Moments can be found in the audiovisual gallery section of this website.
Click the image above to begin.
Library Listings
With over 300 books in our research library, we aim to provide a wide range of topics for your research of Charlotte County.
Author | Subject | Classification | |
(Index to the Contributions of NBHS) - yellow duotang | Collection Index | ||
104th New Brunswick Battalion in the First World War , The | Kimball, Harold G. | World War I | 355 |
100 Years of Marine Research in St. Andrews | Chang, B. D. | Marine Biology | 370 |
200 Years of Lubec History 1776-1976 (two copies) | Johnson, Ryerson | Maine | 974 |
A | |||
A Century of Methodist Baptisms in Saint John and Portland NB 1811-1910 | Somerville, Graeme F. | Baptismal Records | 929.37 |
A Complete List of Publications on Heraldry | Genealogy | 929.3 | |
A General Index to the Statutes of New Brunswick | Burbidge, George W. | Law | 349 |
A History of Getchell Settlement ? Mayfield | Dougherty, Doug | Mayfield | 971.53 |
A History of Lumbering in Maine, 1820-1861 | Wood, Richard G. | Lumber History | 634.98 |
A Library of Stone Pages | Somerville, Graeme F. | Burial Records | 929.5 |
A Monograph of the Evolution of the Boundaries of the Province of New Brunswick | Ganong, William Francis | Geography | 917 |
A Neighbourly War | Dallison, Robert L. | War of 1812 | 974 |
A St. Andrews Look at Methodism to 1925 (2 copies) | Walsh, Craig | Methodist Church | 287.2 |
A Usually Reliable Source | Phillpson, Donald | Public Relations | 506 |
A Window on Williamsburg | Walklet, John J. | Virginia | 974 |
A Woman's Touch | Reed, Kate Armour | Biography | 920 |
Aboard the Lizzie Ross | Davies, Harriet Vaughan | Sailing | 910.45 |
Acadiensis Vol. 5 No. 1 | Jack, David Russell | Maritime Provinces | 971 |
Acadiensis Vol. 5 No. 4 | Jack, David Russell | Maritime Provinces | 971.5 |
America and the Atlantic Community | Thistlethwaite, Frank | Atlantic History | 327.73 |
American Origins to 1789 | Malone, Dumas, and Rauch, Basil | American History | 973.3 |
An Atlantic Album | Robson, Scott, and Mackenzie, Shelagh | Atlantic Canada | 779.99 |
An Eye to the Future: A History of Pocologan, New River, Lepreau, and Little Lepreau (three copies) | Thompson, Ethel | New Brunswick | 971.53 |
An Honest Woodsman | Warner, William S. | Biography | 398 |
An Honourable Independence | Kilfoil, William Patrick, and McDevitt, Mary Kilfoil | Genealogy | 929.37 |
An Intimate History of New Brunswick (two copies) | Trueman, Stuart | New Brunswick | 971.51 |
Ancestor Trail in Ireland, The | Begley, Donal F. | Genealogy | 929.1 |
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (Second Edition) | Gorman, Michael and Winkler, Paul W. | Cataloguing Guide | 025 |
Anna May: Eighty-Two Years in New England | Hunter, Julia A. | New England | 974 |
Annual Report of the Department of Fisheries for the Year 1885 | Department of Fisheries | Fishing | 338 |
Annual Report of the Department of Fisheries for the Year 1886 (2 copies) | Department of Fisheries | Fishing | 338 |
Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick 1904-5 | Inch, J. R. | Education | 370 |
Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick 1905-6 | Inch, J. R. | Education | 370 |
Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick 1911-12 | Carter, W. S. | Education | 370 |
Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick 1919-20 | Carter, W. S. | Education | 370 |
Antique Furniture by New Brunswick Craftsmen (two copies) | Ryder, Huia G. | Furniture | 749.2 |
Approaching Ontario's Past | Boyce, Gerald E. | Historical Society | 971.3 |
Approaching Ontario's Past: The Artifact | Duncan, Dorothy | Archaeology | 745.1 |
Approaching Ontario's Past: Organizing for Preservation | Armstrong, F. H. | Preservation | 971.3 |
Architecture of Edward and W. S. Maxwell (two copies) | Bland, John | Architecture | 720.92 |
Argyle Boom | Ives, Edward D. | Logging | 974 |
Artillery through the Ages | Manucy, Albert | Military Technology | 623.4 |
Atlantic Four-Master: The Story of the Schooner Herbert L. Rawding | Bowker, Francis E. | Sailing | 387.22 |
Atlantic Schooners | Pullen, H. F. | Sailing | 623.83 |
B | |||
Bamford Saga 1764?1989 | Bamford, Louise M. | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Basic Reference Books on Genealogy, Heraldry and Local History 1952-1974 | Genealogy | 929.3 | |
Basic Reference Books on Genealogy, Heraldry and Local History 1977 | Genealogy | 929.3 | |
Basic Reference Books on Genealogy, Heraldry and Local History 1978 | Genealogy | 929.3 | |
Basic Reference Books on Genealogy, Heraldry and Local History 1979 | Genealogy | 929.3 | |
Beginnings, The Settlement of the St. Croix Valley (four copies) | Knowlton, I. C. | St. Croix River | 971 |
Behind the Bushes | Rural New Brunswick | 906 | |
Beneath the Barracks (two copies) | Depaoli, Neill | Fort Sullivan | 974.14 |
Birds of New Brunswick, The | Squires, W. Austin | Birds | 598 |
Birth of the United States 1763-1816, The | Asimov, Isaac | American History | 973 |
Bitter with the Sweet, The: New Brunswick 1604-1984 | Peck, Mary | New Brunswick | 971 |
Blacks Harbour (two copies) | Blacks Harbour | 971.53 | |
Blacks in New Brunswick (two copies) | Spray, W. A. | Black History | 301.45 |
Boy Who Wasn't Himself, The | Locke, Lafe | Historical Fiction | 823 |
British American Book and Tract Society Annual Report for 1890, The | Book and Tract Society | Bible Society | 207 |
Broken Barrier | Mowat, Grace Helen | Historical Fiction | 813 |
Brooksville, Maine (two copies) | Snow, Walter A. | Maine | 974.14 |
Building New Brunswick An Architectural History | Leroux, John | Architecture | 720 |
Buyers Guide to American and British Genealogy and Heraldry | Filby, P.William | Genealogy | 929.6 |
C | |||
Campobello: New and Enlarged Edition | Wells, Kate Gannett | Campobello | 904 |
Campobello: Roosevelts Beloved Island | Muskie, Stephen O. | Campobello | 971.53 |
Canadian Archives in 1992 | Caya, Marcel | Canadian Archives | 906 |
Canadian Historic Sites No. 23 | Young, Richard J. | Blockhouses | 725.18 |
Canadian Historic Sites No. 24 | Cameron, Christina, and Wright, Janet | Architecture | 724 |
Canadian Historical Review Vol. XLVII, No. 1, The | Cook, Ramsay | Historical Journal | 971 |
Canadian Indians and the Law (1163?1972) | Smith, Derek G. | First-Nations | 342.71 |
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections Vol. 14 No. 1 | Achille, Pier Angelo et al. | Criminology | 364 |
Canadian Library Association 16th Annual Conference Programme | Allison, Laurie | Historical Organization | 906 |
Canadian Pacific | McDougall, J. Lorne | Railway History | 385.06 |
Canned: A History of the Sardine Industry Part 1 | Gilman, John | Fishing | 639.2 |
Canned: A History of the Sardine Industry Part 2 | Gilman, John | Fishing | 381.45 |
Carson Mansion and Ingomar Theatre (two copies) | Sacks, Benjamin | Architecture | 917.94 |
Catholic Irish in New Brunswick 1783?1900 | Hynes, Leo J. | Irish Settlers | 971.51 |
Champlain and the St. John 1604-1954 | MacBeath, George | Settlers | 971 |
Champlain's Island, Ste. Croix (Dochet) (two copies) | Ganong, William Francis | St. Croix Island | 971.01 |
Clan Fraser Commemorative 1973 Index | |||
Clippers of the Port of Portsmouth and the Men who Built Them | Brighton, Ray | Sailing | 623.82 |
Coastal Fort | Zimmerman, David | Military | 355.70 |
Cockburn's of Charlotte County (three copies) | Cockburn, G. W. A | Genealogy | 920 |
Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society (No. 5?19 Indexed) | Raymond, W. O. | Historical Journal | 971.51 |
Colonial Williamsburg: Official Guidebook & Map | Virginia | 975.54 | |
Come Back with Me | Campbell, Steve | St. George | 971.53 |
Coming of Age on Damariscove Island, Maine | Griffin, Carl R. | Maine | 974 |
Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures | Bailey, Alfred Goldsworthy | First-Nations | 917.1 |
Country Houses for Montrealers 1892?1924 | Pratte, France Gagnon | Architecture | 728.72 |
Customs and Traditions of the Canadian Navy | Arbuckle, Graeme | Military | 359.10 |
D | |||
Dateline: Canada | Bowman, Bob | Canadian History | 971 |
De Fremery Campbell | De Fremery, Donald | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Death Roll ? Saint John Globe Newspaper | Cusack, Ruby M. | Vital Statistics | 929.37 |
Debretts Peerage, Baronetage and Companionage | Montague-Smith, Patrick | Genealogy | 929.7 |
Delicious Fishes & Seafood Dishes | Cookbook | 641 | |
Descendants of Charles Dyer Wilcox on Grand Manan Island (two copies) | Wilcox, Elmer N. | Genealogy | 929 |
Development of Theory and Practice of Education in NB, 1784?1900 | MacNaughton, Katherine F. C. | Education | 370.97 |
Discovering Maine's Archaeological Heritage | Sanger, David | Archaeology | 974.1 |
Discovering Your Scottish Roots | James, Alwyn | Genealogy | 929.1 |
Displace Names of New Brunswick | Fulton, Pamela J. | Toponomy | 917 |
Diverting History of a Loyalist Town, The (Charlotte County Cottage Craft Second Edition) (two copies) | Mowat, Grace Helen | St. Andrews | 971.51 |
Diverting History of a Loyalist Town, The (Brunswick Press Second Edition) | Mowat, Grace Helen | St. Andrews | 971.51 |
Diverting History of a Loyalist Town, The (Brunswick Press Fourth Edition) (two copies) | Mowat, Grace Helen | St. Andrews | 971.51 |
Duston ? Dustin Family | |||
E | |||
Early Families of New England | |||
Early Families of the Mackadavy | Craig, Calvin Lee | Genealogy | 929.37 |
Early History of St. Andrews as Shown by the Historical Tableaus, August, 1942, The | Wren, Frances | St. Andrews | 971 |
Early Motoring in New Brunswick | Rioux, Lucide | Automobile History | 629.22 |
Early New Brunswick Probate Records, 1785?1835 | |||
Eastport: A Maritime History (two copies) | Brown, C. Donald | Maine | 974.14 |
Eastport and Passamaquoddy | Kilby, William Henry | Maine | 974.1 |
Ed Conley and Family (three copies) | Conley, Mary Williamson | Genealogy | 920 |
Edward Mitchell Bannister | Holland, Juanita Marie | Art | 759 |
Edward & W.S. Maxwell Guide to the Archive | Murray, Irena | Architecture | 016 |
Encyclopedia of the American Revolution | Boatner, Mark M. | American Revolution | 973.3 |
Evil That Men Do | Grant, B. J. | Law | 364.11 |
Exploring Canada from Sea to Sea | Breeden, Robert L. | Travel | 917.1 |
Exploring the PastHistoric Buildings of St. Stephen | CCHS | Architecture | 721 |
F | |||
Falmouth ? A New England Township in Nova Scotia | Duncanson, John V. | Nova Scotia | 971 |
Family Lines?Dunham | Elkinton, Marian Dunham | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Fannie Hardy Eckstorm: A Descriptive Bibliography | Whitten, Jeanne Patten | Research Aid | 012 |
Fascinating Houses of St. Andrews | |||
Fifth Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer to the Minister of Health, 1922 | Melvin, G. | Public Health | 353 |
First Fifty Years of the Church of England in the Province if New Brunswick, The | Lee, G. Herbert | Protestant Church | 283 |
First History of New Brunswick | Fisher, Peter | New Brunswick | 971 |
First Person ? Cairine Wilson | Knowles, Valerie | Women's Rights | 328 |
First Salute, The | Tuchman, Barbara W. | American Revolution | 973.35 |
Folksongs From Southern New Brunswick | Creighton, Helen | Folksongs | 782 |
Foot-Prints | Lawrence, Joseph Wilson | New Brunswick | 971 |
Fourth Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer to the Minister of Health, 1921 | Melvin, G. | Public Health | 353 |
Formative Years, The | Jeffreys, C.W. | History, Canada | 971 |
From the Kitchens of Charlotte County | Young, Lillian | Cookbook | 641 |
From Telegrapher to Titan | Knowles, Valerie | Railway History | 385.09 |
Funny Fables of Fundy | Mowat, Grace Helen | Folklore | 811.52 |
G | |||
Ganong Memorial | Webster, J. Clarence | Biography | 920 |
Gazetteer of Canada: New Brunswick | Rayburn, Alan | Toponomy | 917.15 |
Genealogy, Heraldry, Family & Local History | Greenwood, Val D. | Genealogy | 929 |
Genealogy and Local History | Genealogy | 929 | |
Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia | Punch, Terrence M. | Genealogy | 929.1 |
General Guide Series 1983: Picture Division | Vezina, Raymond | Canadian Archives | 906 |
General Index to Statutes of New Brunswick from 1854 to 1st July 1867 (3 copies) | Local Legislature, NB | Law | 351 |
Geographical Names of New Brunswick (two copies) | Rayburn, Alan | Toponomy | 917.15 |
Geography: A Global Synthesis | Haggett, Peter | Geography | 910 |
George McAllister: His Book (two copies) | Hill, Mary | St. Croix River | 971.53 |
Girl Guides Association Canadian Council Incorporated Annual Reports 1948, The | Girl Guides | 366 | |
Girl Guides of New Brunswick, 1909-1967 | Girl Guides | 906 | |
Glimpses into New Brunswick History | MCleod, Carol | New Brunswick | 971 |
Grand Manan Bicentennial Art Show, The | Art | 708 | |
Grand Manan Cook Book, The | Cookbook | 641 | |
Grand Manan Historian, The No.V | Ingersoll, L. K. | Grand Manan | 905 |
Grand Manan Historian, The No.X | Ingersoll, L. K. | Grand Manan | 905 |
Grand Manan Historian, The No.XI | Ingersoll, L. K. | Grand Manan | 905 |
Grand Manan Historian, The No.XXII | Ingersoll, L. K. | Grand Manan | 905 |
Grand Manan Historian, The No.XXIII | Ingersoll, L. K. | Grand Manan | 905 |
Granite Industry of Southwestern New Brunswick: A Historical Perspective, The | Martin, Gwen | Granite Industry | 971 |
Great Hunger, The | Woodham-Smith, Cecil | Irish Famine | 338.15 |
Great Migration, The | Guillet, Edwin C. | Immigration | 301.33 |
Greenock Church (two copies) | Cockburn, K. C., and Melville, N. | Presbyterian Church | 285.2 |
Greenock Presbyterian Church | Presbyterian Church | 904 | |
Gubbins New Brunswick Journals 1811 & 1813 | Gubbins, Joseph | Military | 917.15 |
Guide for a Small Map Collection | Farrell, Barbara, and Desbarats, Aileen | Map Collection Guide | 906 |
H | |||
Haley Genealogies (two copies) | Haley, Frank B., and Haley, J. Lucius | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Hart to Hartt a Family History | Dick, Carole | Genealogy | 929 |
Heart and Hand Fire Company 1833 (five copies) | Wilbur, Richard, and Williamson, Edward | St. Andrews | 363.37 |
Her Last Wee Treasure | Cameron, Alistair | Historical Writing | 971.55 |
Heritage Trails & Footpaths on Grand Manan Island (two copies) | O'Donnell, Kevin | Grand Manan | 917.5 |
Herring Weirs | Doucet, Rick, and Wilbur, Richard | Fishing | 639.27 |
Historic Lunenburg | Parker, Mike | Lunenburg | 971.62 |
Historic New Brunswick | Soucoup, Dan | New Brunswick | 971 |
Historic Old Courthouse, 1853 | New Brunswick | 971.5 | |
Historic Sites in the Province of New Brunswick | Ganong, William Francis | New Brunswick Archaeology | 971.53 |
Historic St. Andrews | Rees, Ronald | St. Andrews | 971 |
Historic St. Croix | Rees, Ronald | St. Croix River | 971.53 |
Historic Washington County | Atwood, Valdine C., and Crane, Arline V. | Maine | 974.14 |
Historic Yarmouth | Ruff, Eric, and Bradley, Laura | Yarmouth | 971.6 |
Historical Guide to New Brunswick, 1930 | Webster, J. Clarence | New Brunswick | 971.5 |
Historical Guide to New Brunswick, 1941 | Webster, J. Clarence | New Brunswick | 971.5 |
Historical Guide to New Brunswick, 1944 | Webster, J. Clarence | New Brunswick | 971.5 |
Historical Statistics of New Brunswick | Wilk, Martin B. | Statistics | 317.17 |
History Carved on Stone | |||
History of Central New Brunswick, The | Maxwell, L. M. B. | New Brunswick | 971 |
History of Ellsworth, Maine | Davis, Albert H. | Maine | 974.1 |
History of Machias, Maine | Drisko, George W. | Maine | 974.1 |
History of New Brunswick Vol. 1 | Hannay, James | New Brunswick | 971.5 |
History of New Brunswick Vol. 2 | Hannay, James | New Brunswick | 971.5 |
History of St. Marks Church, St. George, NB | Gearson, Anita | Anglican Church | 283 |
History of the Sardine Industry ? Part 2 | |||
History of the St. Andrews United Baptist Church | Coughey, Alice | Baptist Church | 287.92 |
Home for 200 Years - Pomeroy Ridge | Smith, Charles | Pomeroy Ridge | 971.53 |
Home - Pomeroy Ridge | Smith, Marilyn, Smith, Ruby, Smith, George, and Smith, Charlie | Pomeroy Ridge | 971.53 |
Home ? Scotch Ridge and Gleason Road (three copies) | Matheson, Gordon, and Matheson, Doris | Scotch Ridge, Gleason Road | 971.51 |
Home? Little Ridge (two copies) | Caldwell, Jessie | Little Ridge | 971.53 |
Home Life in Colonial Days | Earle, Alice Morse | American Colonists | 973.22 |
Home Life in Colonial Days (1975 Reprint) | Earle, Alice Morse | American Colonists | 973.22 |
Hope Restored ? The American Revolution | Dallison, Robert L. | Loyalists | 971.51 |
Horse Tails and Trails of 1934 | |||
Horse?Drawn Carriages and Sleighs | Wilbur, Richard, and Dickinson, Peter | Carriages | 688.62 |
How Book for Genealogists | Everton, George B. | Genealogy | 929.1 |
I | |||
Illustrated Guide to Gazetteer of Canada | |||
Illustrated Guide to the Canadian Establishment | Newman, Peter C. | Wealthy Families | 305.52 |
"I'm a Man That Works" The Biography of Don Mitchell of Merrill, Maine | Mitchell, Roger E. | Biography | 390.09 |
Images of America: Castine | Barnard, Carole | Maine | |
Immigrants to New England, 1700-1775 | Bolton, Ethel Stanwood | Genealogy | 929.37 |
In Days Past | McKay, Will | Maine | 974 |
In Days Past: St. Andrews, N. B. (two copies) | McKay, Will | St. Andrews | 917.15 |
In Search of Your British and Irish Roots | Baxter, Angus | Genealogy | 929.1 |
Indian Place Names of the Penobscot Valley and the Maine Coast | Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy | Toponomy | 974.07 |
International Community of the St. Croix | Davis, Harold A. | St. Croix River | 974.14 |
International Frontier Week 1961 Souvenir Programme | Davies, Aubrey G. | New Brunswick and Maine | 970 |
Irish Genealogy ? A Record Finder | Begley, Donal F. | Genealogy | 929.1 |
Irish Records: Sources for Family | Ryan, James | Genealogy | 016.94 |
Irvins, Irvines and Irvings of St. Stephen, NB | Adams, William John, and Adams, Vernard Irvine | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Island Journal ? Vol. 12, 1995 | |||
J | |||
James McMasters and Family: To Quinte and Beyond | Tackaberry, Brian | Genealogy | 929 |
James P. Collins, M. D. 1824?1847 | Wright, Harold E. | Partridge Island | 610.92 |
Jewel of the Sea | Hill, Judith E. | Grand Manan | 971.53 |
John Holmes and Families of Beaver Harbour (two copies) | Holmes, Theodore C. | Genealogy | 929.20 |
John Sherrard and Descendants | |||
Journal of the Margaret Rait | Coffin, James Doane | Whaling | 910.45 |
Journey: Holy Rosary Parish in St. Stephen, NB | Breault, Ann | Catholic Church | 282.71 |
Judges of New Brunswick, The | Lawrence, Joseph Wilson | Law | 947 |
Justason Heritage | Yeldon, Mildred Ellen | Genealogy | 929.2 |
K | |||
Kennebec: Cradle of Americans | Coffin, Robert P. | Kennebec River | 974.1 |
Kings Loyal Americans, The | Wood-Holt, B. | Loyalists | 929.3 |
Kingston and the Loyalists of the Spring Fleet of 1783 | Bates, Walter | Loyalists | 971.51 |
Kirk?McColl (1785?1980) | Gregg. Ellen E. | United Church | 287.92 |
Kirk?McColl Goes Forward in the 80s 1980?1985 | Dougherty, Douglas | United Church | 287.92 |
L | |||
Land of the Loyalists | Rees, Ronald | Loyalists | 971.5 |
Lansdowne Sketches | MacQuarrie, J. R. | Pictou County | 971.6 |
Last Voyage of the Barque Intrepid, The | Thompson, Marjorie Jardine | Sailing | 623.82 |
Legends Oddities & Mysteries including UFO experiences in New Brunswick | Dearborn, Dorothy | Folklore | 398 |
Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick | Beavan, Frances | New Brunswick | 971.51 |
Little Immigrants, The | Bagnell, Kenneth | Immigration | 305.23 |
Loring Woart Bailey ? The Story of a Man of Science | Bailey, Joseph Whitman | Science History | 509.2 |
Loss of the Barque: James W. Elwell | Medcof, J. C. | Sailing | 971.5 |
Lost Land of Moses | Thomas, Peter | Fishing | 779.17 |
Loyal Americans, The | Allen, Robert S. | Loyalists | 971.02 |
Loyalist Lineages of Canada (1783?1983) | Morgan, Lynn A. | Genealogy | 929.3 |
Loyalist Literature | Allen, Robert S. | Research Guide | 016.97 |
Loyalists of Connecticut, The | Peck, Epaphroditus | Loyalists | 974 |
Loyalists of Massachusetts and The Other Side of the American Revolution | Stark, James H. | Loyalists | 973.31 |
Loyalists of New Brunswick, The (two copies) | Wright, Esther Clark | Loyalists | 971.51 |
Loyalists to Canada | Holmes, Theodore C. | Loyalists | 971.53 |
M | |||
Maine Folklife Index, The | Lunt, Richard K. | Research Index | 018 |
Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 19 No. 4 | Gaffney, Thomas L. | Maine | 974.1 |
Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 1 | Gaffney, Thomas L. | Maine | 974.1 |
Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 2 | Gaffney, Thomas L. | Maine | 974.1 |
Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 3 | Gaffney, Thomas L. | Maine | 974.1 |
Maine Indians | Francis, Alberta | American Indians | 974 |
Maine Place Names and the Peopling of its Towns | Chadbourne, Ava H. | Maine | 917.41 |
Maine Remembers Those Who Served, Tributes from the Pine Tree State | Gwadosky, Dan A. | Military | 355 |
Maine's Visible Black History | Price, H. H., and Talbot, Gerald E. | Black History | 974.1 |
Maritime Firsts | Soucoup, Dan | History of Maritimes | 971 |
Masts and Masters (two copies) | Gilman, John | Sailing | 387.22 |
Mayfield History of McAdam (1871?1977) | Redstone, W. A. | McAdam | 971.51 |
Me and Fannie | Bean, Wayne Reuel | Maine | 920 |
Memorial of the Loyalist Families of William Moore | Hitchings, Josiah, and Livingstone, Robert | Loyalists | 920 |
Memories of North Carver Village | Braddock, Ellsworth C. | Massachusetts | 974.48 |
Men Behind the Scenes: Curates in the Anglican Parish of St. Andrews NB | Williamson, John L. | Anglican Church | 254 |
Milltown Story, The (two copies) | Dougherty, Doug | Milltown | 971.53 |
Minstrelsy of Maine | Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy | Folksongs | 398.2 |
Money Isn't Everything | Fisher, John | Nonprofit Organizations | 658 |
Museum of Early American Tools | Sloane, Eric | Industry | 970.022 |
Muster Roll of Prince Charles Edward Stuarts Army | Aikman, Christian | Jacobite Rebellion | 941.07 |
Mysteries of the Night | Bruff, A. Elaine | Paranormal-ghosts | 033.1 |
Mysterious Stranger, The | Bates, Walter | Crime | 364.16 |
N | |||
Naissance de la Nouvelle-France | Bouchet, Marie-Claude | French Settlers | 971 |
Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada, The | McGee, H. F. | First-Nations | 971.5 |
New Brunswick Atlas | Province of N.B | Topography | 912.72 |
New Brunswick Canada ? Its Natural Resources and Development | |||
New Brunswick Census of 1851 Charlotte County Vol. 2 | Fellows, Robert F. | Census | 929 |
New Brunswick's Centennial Building Murals | Leroux, John | Art | 759 |
New Brunswick Historic Events (1784?1984) (two copies) | New Brunswick | 971.51 | |
New Brunswick History Check List (two copies) | Taylor, Hugh | Research Guide | 016.97 |
New Brunswick Images | Porteous, John | New Brunswick | 307 |
New Brunswick and Its People (three copies) | MacNutt, Stewart | New Brunswick | 971 |
New Brunswick Loyalists | Dubeau, Sharon | Loyalists | 971 |
New Brunswick Militia Commissioned Officers Lists, The | Facey-Crowther, David R. | Genealogy | 355.37 |
New Brunswick: A History (1784?1867) | MacNutt, W. S. | New Brunswick | 971.51 |
New Brunswick: The Story of Our Provinces | |||
New Brunswicks Fighting 26th | MacGowan, Douglas S., Heckbert, Harry M., and O'Leary, Byron E. | World War I | 355 |
New Brunswick's Unsung Heroes | Dearborn, Dorothy | New Brunswick | 971.51 |
New Ireland Remembered | Toner, P. M. | Irish in New Brunswick | 971.51 |
New Loyalist Index, The | Bunnell, Paul J. | Genealogy | 929.37 |
Newlight Baptist Journals of James Manning and James Innis | Manning, James and Innis, James | Baptist Church | 286.17 |
Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, The: A Brief Description and a Catalog of its Holdings, 1958-1972 | Ireland, Florence | Archive Catalog | 018 |
Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, The: A Catalog of the First 1800 Accessions | Breton, Rita | Folklore | 390 |
Notes on the Maritime History of Lubec, Maine | Adams, Frank P. | Maine | 974.1 |
Nova Scotia Historical Review Vol. 8 No.2 | Cahill, Barry | Historical Journal | 971.6 |
Nova Scotia Sketchbook | Jenson, L. B. | Nova Scotia | 741.97 |
O | |||
Occupation Murderer | Walsh, David A. | Historical Fiction | 813.62 |
Oceanography and Canadian Atlantic Waters | Hachey, H. B. | Oceanography | 557 |
Official Historical Booklet of the Diocese of Saint John | McCafferty, B. P., and McDonald, J. Gerard | Catholic Church | 287.92 |
Old St. Andrews Road (Volume 1), The (two copies) | Rigby, Carle A. | Folklore | 971.53 |
Old St. Andrews Road (Volume 2), The (three copies) | Rigby, Carle A. | Folklore | 971.53 |
Old United Empire Loyalists List, The | Rubincam, Milton | Loyalists | 929.37 |
On Earth As It Is In Heaven | Finley, Gregg, and Wigginton, Lynn | Church Architecture | 726.5 |
On This Rock ? An Island Anthology (three copies) | Ingersoll, L. K. | Grand Manan | 971.51 |
Once More in 94 VMHS Reunion | |||
Open Hand, The ? An Epic Poem | Kearney, W. D. | Settlers | 811.3 |
Out of Ireland | |||
P | |||
Passamaquoddy: Genealogies of West Isles Families (two copies) | Barto, Martha Ford | Genealogy | 929 |
Passamaquoddy Lodge: Commitment to Caring Campaign | Senior Care | 061 | |
Passenger Lists from Ireland | Hackett, J. Dominick and Early, Charles Montague | Immigration | 929.374 |
Penobscot Expedition, The | Cayford, John E. | American Revolution | 973.33 |
Penobscot Vital Records 1700-1890 | Hoffmann, Donna | Vital Statistics | 929.3 |
Perry, Maine: Sesquicentennial 1818-1968 | Maine | 974.1 | |
Picture Gallery of Canadian History Volume 2 | Jeffreys, C.W. | Canada | 970.07 |
Pilot's Log (two copies) | Richardson-Whealy, Elizabeth | World War I | 940.4 |
Place Names of Atlantic Canada | Hamilton, William B. | Toponomy | 917.15 |
Planters and Pioneers: Nova Scotia (1749?1775) (two copies) | Wright, Esther Clark | Settlers | 929.37 |
Poetry Along the Fundy Trail | Gowan, Sandra | Poetry | 821 |
Pork Molasses and Timber | Eaton, Louis W. | Lumber History | 634.98 |
Port Directory of Principal Canadian Ports and Harbours | Johnston, A. | Sailing Directory | 917 |
Presbyterian Church in Canada: The Kirks of Pennfield & St. George, The | Craig, Calvin & Craig, Barbara | Presbyterian Church | 285 |
Prevalence of Venereal Diseases in Canada, The | Clarke, C. K. | Public Health | 616 |
Prominent People of the Maritime Provinces in Business and Professional Life | Names Reference | 917.1 | |
Publications in Genealogy, Biography & History | Genealogy | 929.3 | |
R | |||
R. M of St. Clements | |||
Railways of New Brunswick | Nason, David | Railway History | 385.3 |
Report of the Canadian Lobster Commission 1898 | S. E. Dawson | Fishing | 333 |
Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors | Bunnell, Paul J. | Genealogy | 929.1 |
Researching Your Ancestors in New Brunswick Canada | Fellows, Robert F. | Genealogy | 929 |
Reverence for Wood, A | Sloane, Eric | Wood; Carpentry History | 970 |
Ripe Berry Moon and Tales from Labrador The River St. John | Sturtevant, Leda W. | Genealogy | 929.2 |
S | |||
Sail and Steam Along the Maine Coast | Short, Vincent, and Sears, Edwin | Sailing | 623.8 |
Sailing Ships of the Maritimes | Armour, Charles A., and Lackey, Thomas | Sailing | 623.8 |
Sails of the Maritimes | Parker, John P. | Sailing | 623.82 |
Saint Croix (two copies) | Murchie, Guy | St. Croix River | 971.51 |
Saint Croix Island, Maine | Pendery, Steven R. | St. Croix Island | 974.1 |
Saint Croix: The Sentinel River (two copies) | Murchie, Guy | St. Croix River | 971 |
Sea Routes to the Gold Fields | Lewis, Oscar | Emigration | 979.4 |
Searching for Your Ancestors in Canada | Baker, Eunice Ruiter | Genealogy | 929.1 |
Seeking Our Eden | Findon, Joanne | Women's Rights | 305.4 |
Separatism | Hewlitt, Alexander | Quebec Separatism | 322 |
Shoots: A Guide to Your Family's Photographic Heritage | Davies, Thomas L. | Genealogy | 929 |
Short History of All Saints Anglican Church (1783?1967) | Medcof, J. C. | Anglican Church | 283.71 |
Silver Harvest (two copies) | Wentworth, Ernest, and Wilbur, Richard | Fishing | 639.27 |
Six for the Hangman | Grant, B. J. | Crime | 364.15 |
Sketches & Speeches | Forgan, David R. | Autobiography | 825 |
Some Descendants of John Ketchem Watson | DeMay, Maybelle Watson | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Some Other Place ..Than Here | |||
Someone before Us: Our Maritime Indians | Clarke, George Frederick | First-Nations | 970.42 |
Sound of Many Waters, The | Thompson, Ethel | Musquash | 971 |
Spinney Family Genealogy | Phillips, Judy | Genealogy | 929.2 |
St. Andrews Architecture 1604-1966 | Leroux, John & Holownia, Thaddeus | Architecture | 724 |
St. Andrews Artists and Their Sketches (two copies) | Wilbur, Dick | St. Andrews | 743 |
St. Andrews Heritage Handbook (two copies) | Smith, M. Aileen, and Magee, Phoebe Anne | Architecture | 720.9 |
St. Andrews & the Islands (two copies) | Rees, Ronald | New Brunswick | 971 |
St. Andrews Remembered (two copies) | Wilbur, Richard | St. Andrews | 971.53 |
St. Andrews Werewolf, The | Wilson, Eric | Historical Fiction | 813.54 |
St. Croix (Dochet) Island | |||
St. Croix Estuary Area s | |||
St. Croix Estuary Project ? St. Croix Estuary Area | Casey, Paul | Environmentalism | 970 |
St. Croix Estuary Project ? Caring for Our Coast | Casey, Paul | Environmentalism | 970 |
Steamboat Days on the St. John, 1816-1946 | MacBeath, George, and Taylor, Donald F. | Steamboats | 623 |
St. John River and Its Tributaries, The | Wright, Esther Clark | Geography | 917.15 |
St. Stephen ? Yesteryear | Dougherty, Doug | St. Stephen | 971.53 |
St. Stephen 125: (1871?1996) (two copies) | St. Stephen | 971.53 | |
Ste. Croix (Dochet) Island | Ganong, William Francis | St. Croix Island | 971.01 |
Stories from the Fogs Inn | Morgan, John, and Morgan, Sandy | Folklore | 810.8 |
Strangers from a Secret Land | Thomas, Peter | Emigration | 971 |
Summers in St. Andrews | Walker, Willa | St. Andrews | 971.53 |
Surplus People | Rees, Jim | Irish Famine | 941.84 |
"Suthin" (It's the Opposite of Nothin') | Ives, Edward D. | Logging | 974 |
Sweet Maiden of Passamaquoddy | De Mille, James | American Poetry | 811.42 |
T | |||
Tales of the St. John River | Kirkpatrick, E. S. | Folklore | 810 |
Third Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer to the Minister of Health, 1920 | Melvin, G. | Public Health | 353 |
Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Crown Land Department of the Province of NB | Dunn, A. T. | Sales History | 338 |
This is New Brunswick | Lawson, Jessie I., and Sweet, Jean M. | Travel | 917.5 |
Thunder Over New England | Bunnell, Paul J. | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Tidal Life | Thurston, Harry | Natural History | 508.32 |
Tides of Discipline (three copies) | Thompson, Ethel | New Brunswick | 971 |
Timber Colony | Wynn, Graeme | Geography | 338.47 |
Towards a New Blueprint for Canada's Recorded Memory | Perrone, Julie | Canadian Archives | 906 |
Town of Milltown: Act of Incorporation and By Laws | Legal Record | 971.53 | |
Town of St. George ? 1904?2004 | Rayner, Barb | St. George | 971.53 |
Travels in North America (two copies) | Mann, John | Travel | 917.1 |
True Story (documented) Expulsion of the Acadians, The | Clarke, George Frederick | Acadians | 971 |
Two Islands: Grand Manan and Sanibel | Scherman, Katharine | Geography | 917.15 |
U | |||
Under Power in Quoddy (two copies) | Welch, Ralph B. | Sailing | 623 |
United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada Annual Transactions 1917-1926 | Egerton, Frank | Loyalists | 971.02 |
United States Coast Pilot Atlantic Coast Section A | Jones, E. Lester | Sailing | 917 |
United States Coast Pilot Atlantic Coast Parts I-II | Tittmann, O. H. | Sailing | 917 |
V | |||
Vessels of Way Down East, The | Kinney, Joyce E. | Sailing | 623.89 |
Voices of the Bay | Wilbur, Richard, and Harvey, Janice | Bay of Fundy | 971 |
W | |||
War in South Africa Between the British and Boers | Birch, James H. | Colonialism | 968 |
Washington County, Maine in the Civil War 1861-66 | Ross, Ken | Civil War | 974 |
Way We Were 1908 (three copies) | Northeast America | 381.09 | |
We, the Undersigned (two copies) | Tulloch, Elspeth | Women's Rights | 305.41 |
Weston Girls Tour Memory Book 1953 | Sheila, Kay, & Linda | Travel | 904 |
What's Cookin' in the Border? | Cookbook | 641 | |
When Rum Was King | Grant, B. J. | Prohibition | 364.13 |
Whispers from the Past | McGahan, Elizabeth W. | Women's Rights | 810.8 |
William Van Horne, The Canadians | Mayles, Stephen | Railway History | 385.06 |
Wings over the Sea | Ingersoll, L. K. | Natural History | 639.97 |
Winslow Papers, The (two copies) | Raymond, William Odber | Loyalists | 971.51 |
Women at Sea | Baird, Donal | Women's History | 387 |
Wooden Ships and Iron Men | Wallace, Frederick William | Sailing | 387.22 |
Woven in Time ? An Oral History of the Milltown (St. Croix) Cotton Mill (three copies) | Eagan, Bill | Milltown | 971.53 |
Y | |||
Young Emigrants and Craigs of the Magaguadavic, The | Craig, Calvin Lee | Genealogy | 929.2 |
Books With an US/American Interest
A | American Origins to 1789 B | Beneath the Barracks |
Brooksville A Town in the Revolution | ||
C Clippers of the Port of Portsmouth Coastal Fort | ||
Colonial Williamsburg | ||
D Discovering Maines Archaeological Heritage E | Eastport and Passamaquoddy | |
Encyclopedia | ||
H Historic Washington County History of Ellsworth | ||
History of Machias | ||
Home Life in Colonial Days | ||
I Im a Man That Works ? The Biography of Don Mitchell, Merrill, ME Immigrants to New England (1700?1775) | ||
K Kennebec ? Cradle of Americans | ||
L Loyalists of the American Revolution Vol. 1 Loyalists of the American Revolution Vol. 2 Lumbering in Maine | ||
M Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 19 No.4 Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 1 Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 2 Maine Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 3 Maine Place Names and the Peopling of Its Town | ||
Maine Place Names (Washington & Hancock County) Maine Register (1946?1947) | ||
Maine Remembers Those Who Served Maines Visible Black History Memories of North Carver Village Minstrelsy of Maine | ||
N Notes on Maritime History of Lubec, Maine P | Penobscot Vital Records: (1700?1890) | |
Perry Maine Sesquicentennial (1818?1968) | ||
R | Reference Works of New England T | Thunder over New England |
200 Years of Lubec ? History 1776?1976 | ||
V | The Vessels of Way Down East | |
W | Washington County & Hancock County: Maine Place Name The Winslow Papers |
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Vertical Files
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The Charlotte County Archives has many of the area newspapers produced through the ages and sizable collections available for viewing on microfilm.
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Community Partners
The Charlotte County Archives has a wide variety of partners throughout the County and elsewhere who share our passion for the past. If we do not have the answers you are looking for, the answer may reside in their holdings.
Association Heritage New Brunswick
Description: AHNB is a membership organization that represents New Brunswick’s museums and built heritage interests through education, public awareness, advocacy and professional development. Its mission is to promote the conservation, preservation, interpretation and appreciation of New Brunswick’s heritage resources.
Street address: 163 St. John St, Fredericton, NB E3B 4A8
Mail address: Same
Phone: 454-3561
Contact 1: Kellie Blue-McQuade, Executive Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 454-3561
Charlotte County Family Photos
Contact: Cathryn Makay, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
Charlotte County GenWeb Project
Contact: Marilyn Strout
Email: [email protected]
Council of Archives New Brunswick
Description: Our mandate is to serve the archival community of the province by providing assistance, training and services such as the Archives Advisor programme, an archival supplies co-op, the Conservation Library, a Preservation Advisor, and the distribution of information received from the national institutions.
Street address: 23 Dineen Dr, Fredericton, NB E3B 9V7
Mail address: PO Box 1204, Station A, Fredericton, NB E3B 5C8
Phone: 453-4307
Contact 1: Kim Maguire, Advisor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 453-4307
Eastern Charlotte Regional School
Contact: Marilyn Leland Bennett, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
Fundy North Fishermen's Association
Description: |
The association supports fishermen, promotes healthy fisheries, and encourages viable fishing communities and their past, present and future roles in Southwestern New Brunswick. |
Website: | |
Street address: | 3 Prince of Wales St, St. Andrews, NB E5B 3W9 |
Mail address: | Same |
Phone: | 529-4165 |
Contact 1: | Lillian Mitchell, Executive Director |
Email: | [email protected] |
Phone: | 529-4165 |
Contact 2: | Darlene Norman-Brown, Assistant Director |
Email: | [email protected] |
Phone: |
529-4165 |
GenWeb Campobello Parish
Contact: Heather Waddingham, Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
GenWeb Lepreau Parish
Contact: Christian Larson, Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 755-0571
GenWeb Pennfield Parish
Contact: Christian Larson, Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 755-0571
GenWeb St. David Parish
Contact: Tom Moffatt, Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 466-3578
GenWeb St. George
Contact: Charlene Beney, Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 456-2386
Grand Manan Archives
Description: | The Archives collects and preserves significant documents relating to the history and culture of Grand Manan and makes these available to the public. It is co-located and operated by the Grand Manan Museum and can be reached through the Museum. |
Website: | |
Street address: | 1141 Rte 776, Grand Manan, NB E5G 4E9 |
Mail address: | Same |
Phone: | 662-3524 (Grand Manan Museum) |
Contact 1: | Ava Sturgeon, Archivist |
Email: | [email protected] |
Phone: | 662-5277 (Mondays) |
Grand Manan Historical Society, Inc.
Grand Manan Historical Society, Inc.
Description: The Society’s mandate is to preserve the Island’s history through publications. The “Grand Manan Historian” now has 27 issues. The Society and the Grand Manan Museum jointly oversee the Grand Manan Archives, located at the Grand Manan Museum.
Street address: 1141 Rte 776, Grand Manan, NB E5G 4E9
Mail address: Same
Phone: 662-3524 (Grand Manan Museum)
Contact 1: John Cunningham
Email: [email protected]
Contact 2: Ava Sturgeon, Archivist
Email: [email protected]
Phone:662-5277 (Mondays)
Heritage Charlotte
Contact 1: Jason Gaudet, Administrator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 755-6494
Contact 2: Brian McGarrigle
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 755-6766
Memories of Beaver Harbour
Contact: R. M. Nodding, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
Milltown Memories
Contact: Ryan Groom, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
New Brunswick Upon Days Faded
Contact: Jim Murray, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
N.B. Genealogical Society, Charlotte Branch
Description: The county branch of the NB Genealogical Society, a non-profit organization that encourages and facilitates family historical research in New Brunswick.
Street address: N/A
Mail address: c/o St. Croix Public Library, 11 King St, St. Stephen, NB E3L 2C1
Phone: 755-6494
Contact 1: Jason Gaudet, President
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 755-6494
Old Photos of Deer Island
Contact: Dorothea Hoo, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
Pennfield Parish Military Historical Society
Contact: Christian Larson, President
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 755-0571
Peskotomuhkati Nation at Skutik
Street address: 27 King St, St. Stephen, NB E3L 2C1
Mail address: Same
Phone: 466-2216
Contact 1: Hugh Akagi, Chief
Email: sakom@
Phone: 529-4657
Contact 2: Cynthia Howland, Executive Assistant to the Chief
Email: cynthia.howland@
Phone: 529-4657
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Description: The Provincial Archives of New Brunswick collects, preserves, and makes available for research, documents and records bearing upon the history of New Brunswick.
Street address: 23 Dineen Dr., Fredericton, NB E3B 9V7
Mail address: PO Box 6000, Fredericton NB E3B 5H1
Phone: 453-2122
Contact 1: Information Desk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 453-2122
St. Andrews Civic Trust, Inc.
Description: A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the architectural heritage and natural landscape of historic Saint Andrews
Street address: N/A
Mail address: P.O. Box 3239, St. Andrews, NB E5B 3S7
Phone: N/A
Contact 1: Barry Murray, President
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 529-3806
Contact 2: Barbie Smith
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 529-5734
St. Andrews in Times Past
Contact: Darren McCabe, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
St. Croix Historical Society
Description: The society records and preserves the history of Calais, Maine and neighboring communities. It has an extensive photo and document collection that includes nearby Charlotte County, NB. See its website for full information on its facilities, publications and collections.
Street address: 527 Main St, Calais, ME 04619 USA
Mail address: PO Box 242, Calais, ME 04619 USA
Phone: N/A
Contact 1: John (Al) Churchill, President
Email: [email protected]
St. Croix International Waterway Commission
Description: A legislated New Brunswick/Maine entity that facilitates planning and management of the St. Croix boundary corridor, including its heritage. It maintains heritage files, initiates and supports heritage projects, and documents the NB side as one of 43 Canadian Heritage Rivers.
Street address: 43 Union St, Calais, ME 04619
Mail address: PO Box 2, St. Stephen, NB E3L 2W9
Phone: (207) 952-9069
Contact 1: Elizabeth Hyslop, Executive Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (207) 952-9069
St. Stephen in Times Past
Contact: Darren McCabe, Administrator. Contact through the Facebook page.
Miscellaneous Genealogical and History Research Resources and Publications
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